Home » How To Add Back Button In Elementor

How To Add Back Button In Elementor

Last updated on June 6, 2021 by

Often, the client wants to add a back button in Elementor because the back button can be a handy feature for the users to go back to the last screen easily. It is also good for the user experience. So let’s add a back button in Elementor step by step.

Add Back Button

  1. Drag & Drop the Button widget onto your page, wherever you’d like to place it
  2. Go to the Button widget’s Advanced tab, enter a name into the CSS ID field, such as 'btn-back' as shown in the following screenshot
  1. Don’t forget to click on the “Update” button
  2. Now, add the following code into your JavaScript file. If you don’t know how to place the JavaScript code in your WordPress then follow step 5 & 6 else skip that. The developer knows how to place code but what if you are not a technical person. That’s why I will show you how you can place your JavaScript or CSS code in WordPress.
<script type="text/javascript"> 

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('#btn-back').on('click', function() {
      return false;

  1. To place JavaScript code in WordPress, you need to install and activate the Insert Headers and Footers plugin. Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Insert Headers and Footers page. You will see two boxes, one for the header and the other for the footer section.
Place JavaScript or CSS code in WordPress
Place JavaScript or CSS code in WordPress
  1. You can now paste the JavaScript code you copied to one of these boxes but we recommended adding code in Scripts in Footer box and then click on the Save button.
  1. The last and most important step is testing. So to test this, go to that back button page through some pages by clicking the links. If you direct jump on the back button page, then it will not store the history so you will feel that it’s not working.

Additionally, read our guide:

  1. How to Add Products Per Page Dropdown in WooCommerce
  2. “Sorry, your session has expired. Return to homepage” – WordPress WooCommerce Error
  3. How to Create a Plugin in WordPress from Scratch
  4. How to Disable Admin Bar in WordPress Without Plugin
  5. How To Send Custom Emails in WordPress
  6. How to Allow Preview of Draft Post Without Login in WordPress
  7. Import Users From CSV In WordPress Programmatically
  8. Dynamically Populate A Select Field’s Choices In ACF

That’s it for now. We hope this article helped you to add back in Elementor.

Please let us know in the comments if everything worked as expected, your issues, or any questions. If you think this article saved your time & money, please do comment, share, like & subscribe. Thank you in advance 🙂. Keep Smiling! Happy Coding!


21 thoughts on “How To Add Back Button In Elementor”

  1. may I know where to put the “04. Now, add the following code into your JS file.”

    Can I just add it to my function.php ?

    Sorry if dumb question, newbie here. 🙂

  2. Hi, thanks for your explanation but it doesn’t work for us. I follow all your steps (including the installation and activation the Insert Headers and Footers plugin) .
    When I try to click, I land at the top of the page, is it normal ?
    Can I put the the js in the script.js file of the theme ?

    • If you had added script in plugin as per the steps shown in article then it should work. Then you don’t need to put script in .js file.
      Add your scripts in “Scripts In Footer” section.
      To test this first visit 2 or 3 pages and then last visit the page in which you have added the back button. And when you press back button it should take you to the previous page that you came from. Try and let us know

  3. Thanks works great, but the hand? I guess you understand but, when I put the cursor over the go back, it doesn’t change at all?

  4. hi
    thanks for the code 🙂 works fine in firefox but doesn’t in chrome / safari.
    any ideas for a workaround / additional code that could help?

  5. It doesn’t work for me.
    The used the »Insert Headers and Footers« plugin, placed the JavaScript code in the “Scripts In Footer” section and I can also find the code-snippet within the source code of the page. I visited a few pages to fill the browser-history.
    But if I click the back-button I just lands at the top of the page.
    The link on the button is #. The CSS-ID is “btn-back”.
    But the button doesn’t seem to recognize or execute the script.

  6. Hi,
    Thanks for the code. It works fine on Desktop but doesn’t work on Mobile devices. Can you kindly advise how to fix the code?

    • Hi, add “mousedown touchstart” event right after the click just like below. Hope it will work for you

      jQuery('#btn-back').on('click mousedown touchstart', function() {
      return false;

  7. Hi, this is strange. It did work when adding the script as in your tutorial but a few days later it stopped. No other changes were happened in the website so I will have to forget that solution. Thanks anyway.

  8. Hi
    The script doesn’t work when i go to the page displaying the post and want to go back. Back button on normal sites it works fine.


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