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Laravel Multiple Where Conditions With Example

Last updated on January 7, 2021 by

In this article, we will see how to use the multiple where conditions in Laravel. You can use the multiple where conditions with Eloquent Model or Database Query Builder. After googling we have found many ways to use multiple where conditions. So let’s see useful & simple ways one by one with examples.

Laravel Multiple Where Conditions

Laravel provides an inbuilt where() method using that we can easily build our multiple where conditions query on Model or Database query builder.

You can write the where() method with the following syntax:

where('column_name', 'operator', 'value')

Notes: If you don’t pass the operator then by default it will be considered = (equals to) condition.

01 Example: Simple Laravel Multiple Where Conditions

$posts = Post::where('id', '=', 1)
              ->where('status', '=', 'publish')

The above example will produce the following SQL query:

select *
from posts
where id = 1 and status = 'publish'

02 Example: Pass Array As A Condition

$whereCondition = [

    ['status', '=', 'publish'],
    ['category', '=', 'tutorial'],
    ['date', '>=', '2020-01-01'],
    ['date', '<=', '2020-01-05'],


$posts = Post::where($whereCondition)->get();

Above example will produce the following SQL query:

select *
from posts
where status = 'publish' and category = 'tutorial' and date >= '2020-01-01' and date <= '2020-01-05'

03 Example: Chaining With where() & orWhere()

        ->where('status', 'publish')
        ->orWhere('likes', '>=', 100)

Above example will generate the following SQL query:

select *
from posts
where user_id = ? and status = 'publish' or likes >= 100

04 Example: Complex Chaining With Parameters Grouping

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

        ->where(function (Builder $query) {
            return $query->where('status', 'publish')
                         ->orWhere('likes', '>=', 100);

The example above will produce the following SQL.

select *
from posts
where user_id = ? and (status = 'publish' or likes >= 100)

05 Example: Using Query Scopes

The Query Scopes is standard way of declaring additional conditions. It is very helpful to build more readable & reusable code.

You can define the scopes in your model by creating scopeFunctioname. That means you need to prefix scope word with the function name. For example, you want to create a status method then your scope will be scopeStatus. Let’s see the example



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
     * Scope a query to only include popular posts.
     * https://www.scratchcode.io
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function scopeLikes($query)
        return $query->where('likes', '>', 100);

     * Scope a query to only include publish posts.
     * https://www.scratchcode.io
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function scopeStatus($query)
        return $query->where('status', 'publish');

After defining scope you can then use it as below:

$posts = Post::status()->likes()->get();

Additionally, read our guide:

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That’s it for now. We hope this article helped you to learn Laravel multiple where conditions with examples.

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